PC3 vs. PC3L RAM: 7 Distinct Differences You Should Know Before Buying!

PC3 RAM and PC3L RAM - Comparison

There are a lot of different factors to consider when you’re choosing the right type of RAM for your computer. You’ve probably heard about the battle of PC3 vs. PC3L, but what do those numbers actually mean? The main difference between PC3 and PC3L RAM is their operating voltage. PC3 RAM runs at 1.5 volts, … Read more

144hz VS 165hz Monitor: Learn Their 7 Significance Differences!

Monitor with 144hz or with 165hz refresh rate - Comparison

Refresh rate and response time are critical factors in determining how smooth your gameplay will be. So, what’s the difference between 144Hz VS. 165Hz monitors? The main difference between 165hz and 144hz is the response time. The response time on a 165hz monitor is 1ms, while the response time on a 144hz monitor is 4ms. … Read more

9 Distinct Differences Between Carbon Copy Cloner VS Time Machine – Control Your Space

carbon copy cloner vs time machine

Carbon Copy Cloner and Time Machine are two backup utilities for the Mac. They both have their own unique features, but they also share some differences. But how exactly do they differ? There are several key differences between Carbon Copy Cloner VS. Time Machine. First, Carbon Copy Cloner can clone your entire hard drive, while … Read more

CSM Vs. UEFI 2024- All The Differences Clarified Briefly 


While you are thinking about booting your computer, both the terms CSM and UEFI are widespread. But there are huge differences between these two. So to say, they are entirely the opposite roads to take while booting. So, in the case of CSM vs UEFI, CSM is an interface mode in the BIOS boot option … Read more

60Hz VS. 75Hz Refresh Rates in 2024 – Actual Differences

60Hz VS. 75Hz monitor

Confusion between 60 Hz and 75 Hz monitors is quite common nowadays. Whenever you try to get a nice monitor at the market, you are bound to ask yourself which one to choose. Generally, a refresh rate measures the number of images it shows on the screen in one second. Meaning how many times your … Read more