RAM for Minecraft

How Much RAM Should I Allocate to Minecraft in 2024 – Best Gaming Experience

Minecraft is a popular game that people of all ages can enjoy. When playing Minecraft, you may need more RAM to get the best gaming experience.

So, how much RAM should you allocate to Minecraft?

Well, if you have a high-end gaming PC with 8GB or more RAM, you can probably get away with setting Minecraft to 4GB or less.

On the other hand, if your computer is older or has lower specs, you may need to give Minecraft more than 4GB of RAM to avoid lag and choppy gameplay.

In this article, I will walk you through everything you need to know to understand the Storage for the Minecraft game.

How Much Ram Should I Allocate to Minecraft? 

RAM for Minecraft

You may sometimes wonder how much RAM you should keep for your favorite game. It actually depends on some factors that you must consider before allocating the RAM. However, whether you are using 4 or 8 GB RAM, you can always allocate it to Minecraft according to our following directions.  

If you are not playing with mods, you can allocate 1.5 GB to Minecraft. However, that will be more than the standard requirement of 1 GB. Again, when you are using various types of mods or texture packs, you should share 4-5 GB of Minecraft.  

At the same time, you have to keep other programs closed. Don’t gather mod packs with lots of mods on a computer having only 8 GB RAM. Otherwise, you will face many difficulties while playing the game. 

However, you must avoid unnecessary allocation of RAM so that the Java garbage collector can clean up space quickly. On the contrary, if you allocate too little RAM to Minecraft, your garbage collector will be getting frequent calls for cleaning. And that might be very disturbing for you, especially when you are in the middle of the game. 

9 Methods to Allocate More RAM to Minecraft 

You can use the below-described methods to allocate your device’s RAM to Minecraft. These methods will allow you to complete the whole task very simply and in a time-saving way. Now, we are going to explore those in the following section.  

1. Allocation from The Default Launcher 

Minecraft and Java

Over the years, the original and default Minecraft Launcher has molded itself to make it more usable for gamers. Using this feature, you can easily allocate more RAM to your Minecraft.  

Steps to Allocate more RAM from the Default Launcher: 

  • Open up the Minecraft Launcher.  
  • Choose your favorite version between Bedrock or Java.  
  • Select Installations from the tabs on the top. 
  • Click on these dots and then select the Edit option.  
  • The Edit Installation box will open on the screen.  
  • Click the More Options and scroll down to the JVM Arguments.  
  • Find out the Xmx” any number- 1/2/3″ G from the codes of the JVM Arguments box.  
  • Put a number according to your requirements.  
  • After all the adjustments, click the Save button and launch the game.  

2. Allocation from the ATLauncher 

You may be familiar with the ATLauncher if you have played in mods or the world famous Sky Factory. You can allot RAM to Minecraft even more easily by using ATLauncher since you don’t have to fix through codes.  

Steps to Allocate more RAM from the ATLauncher: 

  • Open the ATLauncher.  
  • Click the Settings option from the list.  
  • Select the Java or Minecraft tab located on the top of the screen.  
  • Here you will find an option, namely Maximum Memory or RAM, in the second row.  
  • You can allocate any amount of RAM by typing a number in Maximum Memory or RAM.
  • After selecting a sufficient amount, click the Save button.  

3. Allocation from the Twitch Launcher

Twitch Launcher

Using the Twitch Launcher is the easiest way to allocate RAM to Minecraft, with a variety of mods. Just you have to go through a different process to complete the setting. 

Steps to Allocate more RAM from the Twitch Launcher:  

  • Open the Twitch Launcher.  
  • Click the mods and enter into Minecraft.  
  • Select the mod pack you want to adjust.  
  • Click the dots on the right-top and go to Profile Options.  
  • Find the Memory Settings option.  
  • Uncheck the Use System Setting box.  
  • Move the slider to adjust the RAM for the game. The slider will increase or decrease the RAM in 0.25 GB increments.  

Now you are done with the job. If you want to check improvements, launch into your better-performing title. 

4. Using the CurseForge ‘Minecraft’ Launcher

  • First, open the CurseForge ‘Minecraft’ Launcher.
  • Click on the ‘Mods’ tab and find the mod you want to install.
  • Click on the mod, then click ‘Install.’
  • Once the installation is complete, click on the ‘Profile’ tab.
  • Find the profile for the mod you just installed and click on it.
  • Click on the ‘Edit Profile’ button.
  • Under the ‘Java Settings’ section, find the ‘Memory Allocation’ dropdown menu and select the amount of RAM you want to allocate.
  • Click on the ‘Save Profile’ button.

You’re done! The next time you launch the game, the mod will be using the amount of RAM you allocated.

5. Allocating More RAM to Minecraft 1.15.2

  • Open up Minecraft and click “Launch options.”
  • Click the arrow next to “JVM Arguments.”
  • Delete “-Xmx1G” or whatever it says.
  • Type in “-Xmx4G”. This will give you 4GB of RAM. If you want more, change the “4” to whatever you want. 
  • Just make sure it is a whole number. You can go up to 768G of RAM by typing “-Xmx768G”.Click “Save” at the bottom.

Close the Launcher and open up Minecraft again. Your new RAM allocation should now be working!

6. Using Launcher Version 2.0.X

minecraft memory

Minecraft is a top-rated game, and with its popularity comes the need for users to find ways to improve their gaming experience. Allocating more RAM for Minecraft can be done using the launcher version 2.0.X.

Follow the steps below to learn how to do this:

  • Open the Minecraft launcher.
  • Click “Edit Profile” and select your profile from the list.
  • In the “Allocation” section, increase the amount of RAM you want to allocate for Minecraft.
  • Click on “Save Profile” and then launch Minecraft.

You should now have more RAM allocated for Minecraft and enjoy a better gaming experience.

7. Using Launcher Version 1.6.X

To allocate more RAM for Minecraft-

  • Open the Launcher and click on Edit Profile.
  • In the JVM Arguments field, enter -Xmx2G or -Xmx2048M. 
  • This will assign 2 GB or 2048 MB of RAM to Minecraft.
  • Save the profile and launch the game! 
  • Your extra RAM should now be available.

If you are still having issues, try allocating even more RAM. For example, if you have a 4 GB RAM stick, you could try -Xmx3G or -Xmx3072M. 

8. Allocating More RAM on Minecraft Java Edition

The steps below show how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft Java Edition on Windows and Mac.

  • Open the Minecraft Launcher.
  • Click on “Edit Profile” in the bottom left corner of the window.
  • Select your profile and open the “JVM Arguments” box.
  • Erase any text in this box and replace it with “-Xmx2G”. This will allocate 2 GB of RAM to Minecraft.
  • Save your changes and start Minecraft. 
  • Your game should now have more RAM allocated to it.

You can also try allocating more RAM to Minecraft by editing the “minecraft.exe” file.

  • Right-click on the “minecraft.exe” file and select “Properties.” 
  • In the “Target” field, add “-Xmx2G” to the end of the line. 
  • This will also allocate 2 GB of RAM to Minecraft.

9. Allocating More RAM Using Legacy FeedTheBeast (FTB) Launcher

Legacy FeedTheBeast (FTB) Launcher

  • Right-click on the FeedTheBeast icon and click “Edit Profile.”
  • In the bottom left corner of the Launcher, click the arrow next to the version dropdown.
  • Click “Advanced Settings.”
  • In the JVM Arguments text field, replace “-Xmx1G” with “-Xmx4G”.
  • Click the “Save Profile” button in the bottom left corner.
  • Close the Launcher and reopen it. Your new allocation will now be in effect.

Our Recommendation:  

You have already gone through the methods of how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. Now, you can easily determine which one would be the best option for you. However, we have ranked the Twitch Launcher as the most efficient one.  

Twitch Launcher is worthy of giving you a unique chance to perform the whole task within a short time. Thus, you can save time, which is very important as a gamer. Besides, you can complete it by following some simple steps. So, try to use this Twitch Launcher for this work. 

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How Much RAM should I Allocate for My Minecraft Server? 

When you are willing to set up a Minecraft server, it may be unknown which Minecraft server hosting package would be best for you.  

Actually, there is not a lot of difference between hosting server packages except for the RAM. Different packages offer different amounts of RAM. So, you must calculate how much RAM you need to run all the software properly and to support the connected players. 

The amount of RAM depends on some factors. These are: 

  1. The number of players: The more players you have, the more RAM your server will need. 
  2. World Size: The greater the world is, the more RAM your server will claim. 
  3. Plugins/ mods: You have to increase Your RAM based on the increments of the number of players. 

So, you should select the best Minecraft server hosting that can fulfill your requirements very well. 

Available Plans: 

  • 1 GB: This plan is perfect for a small group of people like family members or close friends. You will get that in small vanilla servers. 
  • 2 GB: If you are going to add some base plugins or mods and increase the number of players, 2GB would be a fantastic plan for you.  
  • 3 GB: It’s the most amazing plan for the servers to have medium-sized mod packs or plugin packs. It can afford 25 mods or plugins at the highest. 
  • 4 GB:  If you want to add 35-40 mods or plugins on your server, this is the best plan for you.  
  • 5-12 GB: This plan is excellent for the servers connecting a big community. Using this plan, you can collect more than 40 mods or plugins.
  • 16 GB: It is the most powerful plan suitable for a very large community. It can afford a very large community and extreme mod packs or plug packs.  


Minecraft playing

1. How much RAM do I need to dedicate to Minecraft?

The recommended amount of RAM for Minecraft is 4GB. However, if you are running a server or playing on a computer with less memory, we recommend that you allocate at least 8GB of RAM to Minecraft.

2. Why is Minecraft so laggy?

There are many potential sources of lag in Minecraft, but the most common one is caused by the way objects are rendered. With more RAM for Minecraft, it will reduce the amount of data that needs to be sent from the server to your device. This will make the game run faster and smoother.

3. What happens if you allocate too much RAM to Minecraft server?

If your Minecraft server is using more RAM than it can handle, the server will start to slow down and may eventually stop working altogether. To prevent this from happening, make sure to allocate enough RAM to your Minecraft server.

4. Do you need a good PC for Minecraft?

No, you don’t need a good PC for Minecraft. RAM is an easy way to improve your gaming experience. It speeds up the game by allowing it to use more of your computer’s resources.

5. Is 100 FPS good for Minecraft?

Generally, 100 FPS is a good target for Minecraft because it offers smooth gameplay and less lag. You can get more FPS by adjusting your graphics settings, but please be aware that higher FPS might impact your graphics quality and cause less stable gameplay.


You just went through a complete suggestion about how much RAM should I allocate to Minecraft. Besides, I hope you got a clear idea about the ways to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. 

Now, you can easily determine the amount your Minecraft requires to give smooth performance and allocate that in a suitable way. Moreover, you can even select the best server package based on our previous directions.  

So, playing games just got easier and more interesting! You know what they say, more RAM, more efficiency!

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