RAM parts

How Many Pins Does My RAM Have? Let’s Clear The Confusion!

Are you familiar with the fact that your RAM includes pins? Every type of RAM has pins. These are the essential parts of a RAM that give power to it in order to operate precisely. But many of us do not know how many pins are present in the ram of a computer. 

So, how many pins does my RAM have? In short, DDR4 SDRAM has 288 pins, which are used by the majority of people. Moreover, SO-DIMMS, DDR2 RAM, DDR3 RAM, and DDR4 RAM  have 260 pins, 240 pins, 240 pins (same as DDR2 RAM), and 288 pins, respectively.

There are various types of RAM. Different types of RAM include different numbers of pins. 

There is always much more to unleash. We would like to bring the pin numbers for each of the rams as well as the importance of the pins in front of you. So, let’s dive into it! 

How Many Pins Does My RAM Have?

ram pin number

There are varieties of models of RAM. You should know that different models don’t include the same number of pins. If we inquire, we will find that different models of RAM include different numbers of pins. Now we will share the most common rams and the number of pins that they have. 

Ram Model Pin Number 
SO-DIMMs 200/260 pins
DDR4 SDRAM 288 pins
DDR2 RAM 240 pins
DDR3 RAM 240 pins
DDR4 RAM 288 pins
SIMM 30/72 pins
DIMM 168/184 pins
SDRAM 288168s

These are some models of RAM which contain different numbers of pins. Mostly the standard of RAM depends on how many pins it contains. That’s why, while buying a PC or laptop you should consider how many pins the RAM has.

You can’t use the same RAM for every device. There are some restrictions. For example, you can use 240-pin RAM for computers, not for laptops. On the other hand, 204-pin RAM is suitable for laptops. So you have to be careful about the pin number while buying RAM, especially if you are building the computer on your own. 

Does The Number of Pins on RAM Matter?

The answer is yes, but not in every phase. If you are using DDR4 RAM, then the answer to this question is a “no.” Because all DDR4 DIMMS offer the same specifications and qualities, these rams’ standard is the same.

On the other hand, if you are not a DDR4 user, then the answer is yes for you. The standard of other RAM depends on how many pins it includes. The more pins, the more facilities you will receive. 

Another thing that also should be considered is that all kinds of RAM are not compatible with every device. You can’t use 204 pins RAM for a computer because a 204-pin RAM is only suitable for a laptop.

Also, you can’t use 240 pins of RAM for laptops because they are made to be used in computers. So, the number of pins of RAM matters a lot. In fact, it impacts the specifications as well as the performance too.

How Can I Find My RAM Pin on My Laptop?

ram pin on laptop infographic

Identifying your RAM’s PIN is very important. You can’t perform a lot of things without identifying the pin number. Even you can’t make some future upgrades if you don’t know the pin number. So we will share the process to know the RAM pin number of your laptop.

The whole process is quite simple. You just have to follow a few steps to discover this. Let’s have a look at the steps: 

  • Step 1- At first, you have to go to the window of your laptop. Then you will see the system information section. 
  • Step 2- At the system information section, you will find a section of RAM. That section includes all the information about your RAM, including the storage, PIN, and so on.
  • Step 3- After knowing the PIN, you will know which RAM you are using on your laptop. This will let you upgrade the device specifications easily without removing the components. 

The Difference Between 204 and 240 pin RAM: Which is Better?

As you know, all RAM does not give you the same specifications, obviously, there are some vital differences between 204 and 240 pin RAM. So, which one should you actually use? The answer to this question depends on your needs. 

If you are using a laptop then you should use 204 pin RAM. Because a laptop can’t be used without 204 pin RAM. On the other hand, a computer can’t be used with a 204 pin RAM because it requires 240 pin RAM. 

Though the difference depends on the device, some specifications make the 240 pin RAM better than the 204 pin RAM. For the first example, we can say 240 pin RAM isn’t backward compatible with 204 pin RAM.

Also, speed matters a lot here. The New 240 pin RAM is much better because the speed of this RAM is incredible. So we can say 240 pins RAM is quite better than a 204 pins RAM. But still, the choice depends on your needs. 

How do I Find Out My RAM PIN Number?

ram pin number

Again you need to follow a few steps to do this process. Here’s what you can follow: 

  1. First, open your PC or laptop.
  2. Then you have to type the command prompt
  3. Click the top result and choose the Run as administrator option.
  4. Then you will see a section named RAM. You will find all the important specifications and information from that section about your RAM.

Wrapping up:

RAM is the most important part of your device. The whole storage system depends on the RAM. 

We hope that by now, you have known about How Many Pins Does My Ram Have? Knowing the number of pins that your ram includes is necessary to either upgrade or to know your device’s exact specifications. 

Even though we have shared the number of pins for several leading rams, do not forget to check your rams model before implementing our information. Besides, if your ram is out of the list, you can check by following our given manual process. 

Above, we have also mentioned some essential issues depending on the RAM. We hope this information can be helpful for all, including a beginner or an experienced users. You will be able to solve many problems with this information.

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