Eliminate Fungi Easily

How To Get Rid Of Mushrooms in Lawns and Yard – Eliminate Fungi Easily!

Have you ever seen a mushroom in your lawn or yard? If you have, you’re not alone. Mushrooms grow incredibly fast and can quickly take over an area if you’re not careful.

In this blog post, we will teach you how to get rid of mushrooms from your backyard using safe and effective methods. From using vinegar to releasing beneficial insects, we have everything you need to get rid of fungi in a safe and effective way.


Mushrooms are an organic growth that can be found growing in most ecosystems. They are not poisonous, but they can cause a nuisance if they grow too large or if they produce spores that spread to other plants. Identification of mushrooms is a skill that can be learned through practice and can be helpful when determining the best way to control or remove them from your landscape.

Identification Mushrooms

Common identification features include colors (most of them are predominately light gray, brown, or white), shapes (some have caps that are convex while others have caps that are concave), and textures (mushrooms vary in how bumpy their surface is). Additionally, mushrooms often emit a distinct smell when crushed or cut.

To identify it in your yard, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the common species found in your area. Once you have an idea of what type of mushroom you are looking at, some tips for identifying specific species will become clear.

For example, some species of bolete may have reddish-brown spore prints while other members of the genus Bolbites may have white spores. It is also important to note whether a mushroom has gills or not and what sort of stem it has (stipe vs. fleshy veil). Finally, look for comparison pictures online so you can get a better idea of what different types look like side by side.

How Do Mushrooms Reproduce And Spread

Mushrooms spore dispersal

Mushrooms reproduce through a process known as spore dispersal. As spores travel through the air, they land on new substrates and germinate. Once the mycelium grows and forms fruiting bodies, it releases its spores. Mushrooms can spread by wind, water, or on surfaces that have been contaminated with their spores.

Ways To Remove Them From Your Yard

Mushrooms can be a frustrating problem for homeowners, as they quickly multiply and spread to other areas in the garden or yard. There are a few effective ways to remove them from your lawn or yard: using a fungicide, using an organic method, or removing them by hand.

There are six ways you can get rid of mushrooms in your yard:

1. Applying a fungicide.

2. Using a mushroom composting kit.

3. Applyng high nitrogen fertilizer.

4. Removing them by hand.

5. Using dish soap.

6. Sprinkling 1 cup of baking soda.

Ways To Remove Mushrooms From Your Yard

Now, let’s start.

1. Using Fungicide

Applying a fungicide is the most effective way to get rid of mushrooms. This will kill both the mycelium and the mushroom itself. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using the fungicide, as an incorrect application could damage your lawn or garden.

Some mushroom killers work well on specific types of mushrooms, while others are more general in their effectiveness. It is important to read the directions carefully before using any type of fungicide, as some precautions must be taken during application (such as wearing gloves) in order to avoid harming the plant.

There are many different types of fungicides available, so it is important to find one that specifically targets mushrooms. Fungicides can be applied in several ways: by hand, with a backpack application system, or using an aerial application system.

Hand applications are the easiest and most traditional way to apply a fungicide. You should apply a thin coat of the product directly to the mushroom cap. Be sure to cover all areas of the cap where it is growing. Applying it this way will not kill the mycelium below the ground, so you may need to repeat applications if there are large numbers of mushrooms growing on trees or shrubs.

Backpack application systems allow you to spray large areas more quickly and efficiently than with hand applications. A backpack applicator has two sprayers that you attach hoses to: one for spraying herbicide and one for spraying fungicide. To use this type of applicator, you first fill the tank with water and then add the appropriate amount of herbicide and fungicide according to package directions. After adding these ingredients, turn on the sprayer and wait until it begins spraying before adjusting the nozzle settings so that both herbicide and fungicide are being sprayed at once.

Using Fungicide

An aerial application system uses small planes or helicopters to apply products directly over large areas where mushrooms are growing. This method is more expensive than other methods, but it is also more effective.

Another option is to use copper sulfate. This agent can be applied directly to the soil or water where mushrooms are growing, and it will kill the mycelium and the mushrooms themselves. Copper sulfate can be toxic if applied incorrectly, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully. It is also important to note that copper sulfate may not work well on shady areas or soils with high moisture content.

2. Organic Method

If you are not comfortable using a fungicide, or if you do not have access to one, an organic method can be an effective way to remove mushrooms from your lawn or garden. One option is to use a mushroom composting kit, which will help to break down the mycelium and kill the mushrooms. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using this method, as an incorrect application could damage your lawn or garden.

fungi in lawn

3. Apply High Nitrogen Fertilizer

You can get rid of mushrooms using high-nitrogen fertilizer. The method is to scatter a handful of ammonium nitrate over the affected area and wait for the mycelium to die. Mushrooms will not grow well in areas that have been heavily fertilized with nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate is a powerful nitrogen fertilizer that kills all plant life on contact, so be careful not to touch it yourself!

If you find that your yard is infested with mushrooms, consider using a less aggressive approach before resorting to high-nitrogen fertilizers.

4. Remove Them by Hand

Mushrooms han picking

Removing mushrooms by hand is an effective way to remove them from your lawn or garden. To do this, first, identify where the mushrooms are growing: they are usually clustered together near the base of trees or shrubs.

Next, dig them up and discard them in a place where they will not cause any damage to plants or soil. Be sure to wear gloves and a mask when removing mushrooms by hand, in case any chemicals are released.

Finally, you can remove mushrooms by hand if they are small and isolated. Gather up all of the mushrooms that you can find and place them in a bucket of cold water. Let them soak for at least an hour before discarding them.

5. Using Dish Soap

To get rid of mushrooms with dish soap, mix 1 cup of dish soap with enough water to make a thick liquid. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray it onto the mushrooms. Let the dish soap soak into the mushrooms for a few minutes before rinsing them off with water. Be sure to wear gloves while rinsing off the mushrooms, as the dish soap may cause skin irritation.

6. Apply Baking Soda

Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda over the mushrooms and leave overnight. The baking soda will help to kill the fungi that is causing the mushrooms to grow. Rake away any debris after the treatment has been completed.

7. Other Methods You Can Try

There are also several other effective ways that should be considered. One way is to use a shovel or trowel to break up the mushrooms and remove them from the ground. Another way is to use a wide-mouth garden hose to mist the ground and knock the mushrooms down. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to remove the mushrooms from hard-to-reach areas.

One of the options is to use a hand weeder to pull the mushrooms up by the roots. This method is effective but time-consuming, and it can be difficult to get rid of all the mushrooms.

Natural Ways How To Get Rid Of Mushrooms On Lawns

natural way to get rid of mushrooms on lawns

Mushrooms can be a real nuisance in lawns. They can cause brown patches, decrease the grass’s growth, and even create dead spots. There are many natural ways to get rid of them. Here are six ways:

1. Remove them by hand: The first step is to remove the mushrooms by hand. Use a shovel or your hands to dig them up and discard them. Make sure to wear gloves and avoid getting spores on your skin or clothes.

2. Try using an effective fungicide: If the mushrooms are small and isolated, you may be able to get away with using a fungicide without any problems. Be sure to read the label carefully and follow all instructions carefully for the best results.

3. Use a soil amendment: Another option is to use a soil amendment that will help kill the fungi responsible for mushroom growth. Choose an amendment that has been specifically designed for fungus control, such as copper sulfate or manganese sulfate. Mix it into the soil before planting anything new, then water it in well. Repeat every few months as needed until the fungus is gone.

4. Use fungal compost: One last option is to use fungal compost made specifically for controlling fungi in lawns. Add 1 part of compost to 9 parts of fresh soil before planting anything new. Water it in well and repeat every few months as needed until the fungus is gone.

5. Clear away moist soil around the mushroom patch with a spade or tiller and replace it with dry soil until you no longer see signs of fungus growth nearby. This will help prevent future outbreaks of mushrooms in that area.

6. Make hot compost tea and pour it over the mushrooms. Let it sit for several hours, then rinse the area well with fresh water. Repeat as necessary until the mushrooms are gone.

Whatever method you choose, be sure to use caution and follow the instructions carefully to avoid any damage to your lawn.

What They Can Do to Your Lawn?

mushrooms in the lawn

There are many types of mushrooms that can have a negative impact on lawn health. These fungi can grow rapidly and form large colonies, which can smother the grassroots and prevent them from absorbing water. The overgrown fungus can lead to damage to the turf, including wilting, browning and die-off.

Additionally, their metabolites can cause plant damage. They create an organic acid that can kill grass and weaken the soil, making it difficult for plants to grow. Some of the most common types of mushrooms that affect lawns are those in the genus Fomitopsis, which include the white button mushroom and the honey mushroom.

Mushrooms produce mycotoxins, which are harmful chemicals that can harm plants. Mycotoxins cause plant growth to stop, reduce leaf size and cause leaves to become misshapen or distorted. They can also damage lawns by producing smelly slimy patches that attract other pests and diseases.

Common Backyard Mushrooms

There are many different types of mushrooms that can be found in a garden. These include:

Agaricus Campestris

Field or Meadow (Agaricus Campestris) – This mushroom has a smooth cap that becomes bumpy with age and a woolly stem. It grows in clusters on the ground or near trees. The cap color can vary from light tan to dark brownish-black and the stem is usually white but may also be light brown, yellow, or greenish-brown.


Armillaria TabescensRingless Honey (Armillaria Tabescens) – Armillaria tabescens, is a common fungus found in many parts of the world. This fungus is often mistaken for other edible mushrooms such as the shiitake or oyster mushrooms, but it is important to remember that the ringless honey mushroom has no rings on its stem. The cap of this mushroom ranges in color from tan to brown and can be quite large, measuring up to 12 inches long.

Coprinus comatusLawyer’s Wig (Coprinus comatus) – Coprinus comatus, sometimes called the lawyer’s wig, is a common mushroom found growing in woodland areas across North America. The fungus is typically a light brown color with an uneven surface, and has scaly edges. It grows on dead wood or other decaying matter, and can be found from early summer to late fall.

Panaeolus FoeniseciiMower’s Mushrooms (Panaeolus Foenisecii) – Panaeolus foenisecii is an unusual mushroom because it does not grow on deadwood like other mushrooms do. Instead, Panaeolus foenisecii grows near living trees or plants. Researchers believe this may be because they need moisture to grow.


Chlorophyllum molybditesGreen-Spored Lepiota (Chlorophyllum molybdites) – The green-spored Lepiota is a common backyard mushroom. It grows on wood and other decaying matter. The cap is convex and smooth, becoming wrinkled with age. The gills are attached to the stem, and are yellow when young but turn green as the fungus grows. The spore print is white.


Reduce the Likelihood of Mushrooms Growing On Your Property

Mushrooms can be particularly troublesome in areas with heavy rainfall. Rainwater carries plenty of soil and debris which can easily deposit on the mycelium and support mushroom growth. In addition, mushrooms can create serious drainage problems if their roots penetrate deeply into the ground.

There are a few things you can do to reduce the chances of them growing in your backyard and causing drainage problems:

1. Keep your yard clean and free of debris. This will help to prevent soil from accumulating on the mycelium and supporting mushroom growth.
2. Regularly mow your lawn to eliminate long grasses which can act as natural mulch for fungus spores and root systems. Shorter grasses will not provide as much cover for mushrooms, leading to easier detection and removal.
3. Avoid planting overgrown shrubs or trees near your home’s foundation or gutters; these plants can provide ample cover for fungi growth and impede proper drainage.
4. Install rain gutters along downspouts and around the outside of your home; this will allow water to flow freely away from the house without carrying soil or debris inside.

Prevention methods for mushrooms in yards and lawns depend on the type of mushroom. For example, some types can be eradicated by killing the mycelium with a fungicide, while other types require manual removal. Removing all visible mushrooms is the best way to prevent them from returning.

Fungi are most commonly found in cool, moist areas such as under trees or in gardens. To prevent them from growing, keep your yard and lawn clean and free of debris. Frequent mowing and raking of your lawn will help remove dried-out plants and leaves, which can provide moisture and food for mushrooms. Regularly apply a fungicide to any areas where mushrooms are suspected to be growing.

Frequently Asked Questions

removing Mushrooms From Your Yard

Are Mushrooms a Sign of a Healthy Lawn?

They are often thought of as a sign of a healthy lawn, but this isn’t always the case. While mushrooms can be beneficial to a lawn in some cases, they can also be harmful if not controlled correctly.

The most common mistake people make when using mushrooms on their lawn is over-fertilizing. Over-fertilization causes weed growth and can deplete the nutrients your lawn needs to stay healthy. Additionally, too much nitrogen in the soil can cause serious damage to your plants and turf, including stunted growth, yellowing leaves and even death.

Are Fungi in Your Yard Bad?

Mushrooms can cause problems if they grow in quantities that exceed their natural range. Frequently, they are associated with lawns because they grow readily in well-manured soil.

However, mushrooms can also be a problem in gardens and other areas where they’re not expected. They produce spores that can create widespread problems if they escape from the intended area. Additionally, some species have toxins that can harm both humans and animals.

Can You Eat Mushrooms Growing in Your Backyard?

They can be eaten from your backyard, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you know the identification requirements for different mushrooms. Second, always avoid eating any wild mushrooms that you cannot positively identify. Finally, avoid eating any mushroom if it has been damaged or if it smells bad.

Are Backyard Mushrooms Poisonous to Dogs?

While there is no evidence that any specific backyard type of mushroom is poisonous to dogs, there is some potential for toxicity if ingested in large quantities. Mushrooms may contain toxins that can cause gastrointestinal upset or even death in dogs if consumed in large amounts.

If your dog does eat mushrooms from your backyard, monitor them closely and contact your veterinarian if there are any signs of toxicity.

Which Is the Best Pet Safe Mushroom Killer for Lawns?

The best mushroom killer for lawns that is pet safe will kill the mushrooms without harming the pets or the plants. Here are some of the best options:

Bestseller No. 1
Earth's Ally Fungicide for Lawns | 32 fl. oz. Ready-to-Spray, Treats 5,000 Sq. Ft. | Natural Spray |...
  • LAWN FUNGICIDE - Prevents and effectively controls brown patch, dollar spot, summer patch and rust.
  • READY-TO-SPRAY - Bottle connects directly to garden hoses and the concentrated formula automatically mixes with water to treat up to 5,000 sq. ft. of turf.
  • NO HARSH CHEMICALS - Earth's Ally Fungicide for Lawns is formulated from food-grade citric acid.
  • SAFE FOR PEOPLE, PETS & PLANET - Safe when used as directed and ideal for use on lawns, trees and shrubs year-round.
  • PROVEN BEE SAFE - Earth’s Ally is committed to protecting our pollinators. Every formula is independently tested and proven safe for the bee population.
SaleBestseller No. 2
Natural Elements Weed Killer | Pet Safe, Safe Around Children | Natural Herbicide (1 Gallon)
  • ✅ All Natural and Safe Product- Safe for your family, safe for your pets.
  • ✅ No Harmful Herbicides, Derived from Vinegar
  • ✅ Effective on Most Broadleaf Weeds and Grasses- Use around lawns, gardens, flowerbeds, landscaping, trees, rock beds, mulched areas, and more. NOTE: This will kill grass so do not apply directly to...
  • ✅ Ready to Use- No Hassle, No Mix Formula, No Drift!
  • ✅ Spray weeds until wet, then watch them wilt away!!!
Bestseller No. 3
BioAdvanced Fungus Control for Lawns, Ready-to-Spray, 32 oz
  • FUNGICIDE: Fungus Control for lawns cures and prevents listed lawn diseases
  • 30 DAY PROTECTION: Protects against lawn diseases for up to a month
  • DISEASE CONTROL: Fungicide controls Red Threat, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Rust, and other listed diseases
  • RAINPROOF PROTECTION: Systemic Fungicide is absorbed by grass and will not wash off
  • Can be used on all lawn types
SaleBestseller No. 4
Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide, Controls and Prevents Disease Up to 4 Weeks, Treats Up to 5,000 sq....
  • Use Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide on home lawns to prevent disease before it appears and control disease at the first sign of symptoms
  • Controls 26 listed lawn diseases, including brown patch, stem & stripe rust, red thread, powdery mildew, necrotic ring spot, and pink patch
  • This fungicide for lawns starts working within 24 hours of application, and continues to control diseases up to 4 weeks
  • For best results, begin applications of this lawn care treatment prior to disease symptoms, or when conditions are favorable for disease
  • One 10 lb. bag of Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide 10 lb. bag treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Bestseller No. 5
Just For Pets Weed Killer Spray (128 oz Gallon) NO Glyphosate
  • 🐶 NATURAL - NO Glyphosate. Our Product Includes Natural Ingredients.
  • 🐱 WE'RE PET LOVERS TOO - Our Pets Are Like Our Children. Truth Be Told We Like Our Pets More Than Some People. We Will Do Anything For Them.
  • 🐕 COMMUNITY MINDED - A Portion of Each Sale is Donated To Animal Shelters Nationwide.
  • 🐈 ELIMINATES WEEDS FAST - EASY TO USE - Ready to Use Spray. No Mixing Necessary. Use as Directed
Bestseller No. 6
Pet's Pal Natural Weed Killer | Pet Safe Spray | Ready-to-use Natural Herbicide | Environmentally...
  • 🐶 NATURAL - Our Product Includes Natural Ingredients. NO Glyphosate.
  • 🐱 MADE BY PET LOVERS - Our Pets Are Like Our Children. Truth Be Told We Like Our Pets More Than Some People. We Will Do Anything To Protect Them.
  • 🐈 EASY TO USE - Ready to Use Spray. No Mixing Necessary.
  • ✅ Effective on Most Broadleaf Weeds and Grasses- Use around lawns, gardens, flowerbeds, landscaping, trees, rock beds, mulched areas, and more. NOTE: This will kill grass so do not apply directly to...
  • ⚡FAST-ACTING NATURAL FORMULA – Maintain the beauty of your yard by eliminating common weeds with Pet's Pal Weed Killer. Our non-selective herbicide quickly kills common broadleaf weeds including...
Bestseller No. 7
ECO Garden PRO - Organic Vinegar Weed Killer | Kid/Pet Safe | Clover Moss, Green Grass & Poison Ivy...
  • ✔️ PET & KID SAFE HERBICIDE - Eco Garden Pro Weed Killer is designed with you and your family in mind! All of our ingredients are carefully selected to be SAFE FOR: PETS, CHILDREN, BEES, FISH, AND...
  • ✔️ ORGANIC WEED KILLER - Formulated to KILL WEEDS AND GRASS FAST. Our proprietary formula will deliver IMMEDIATE RESULTS WITHIN 24 HOURS! Perfect for all residential, commercial, and industrial...
  • ✔️ WORKS within 24 HOURS POWERFUL PROPRIETARY FORMULATION - Our READY TO USE (RTU) formula contains natural white vinegar, organic rock salt, biodegradable plant activators, and fermentation...
  • ✔️ WORKS FOR CLOVER, MOSS, & POISON IVY - Eco Garden Pro Weed Killer will work to eliminate all conventional weeds and grasses, including: DANDELIONS, CLOVER, CHICKWEED, DOLLAR WEED, THISTLE,...
  • ✔️ GREEN LAWN FOR A GREEN ENVIRONMENT - Eco Garden Pro Weed Killer is designed to work effectively without any toxic chemicals. The product is ECO FRIENDLY, PHOSPHATE FREE, 100% BIODEGRADABLE, AND...
SaleBestseller No. 8
Spectracide Immunox Fungus Plus Insect, 1 Pack
  • Prevents major lawn diseases as listed
  • Kills lawn insects on contact
  • Rainproof in hours
  • Dual action formula
Bestseller No. 9
PureGro Weed Crush Ready-to-Use | Organic Herbicide | Pet and Kid Friendly | Fast Acting |...
  • Quickly Burns Surface Weeds: This weed control spray kills on contact the toughest and most unsightly weeds that infiltrate your lawn, driveway, walkways, and other unwanted areas.
  • Fast Acting, Long-Lasting Formula: With this weed burner, you'll see that unsightly vegetation shrivel up in as little as 15 minutes in optimal conditions. Kills them fully dead in 24 to 48 hours....
  • Inhibits Regrowth, Too: In addition to burning visible weeds, our weed preventer helps stop them from growing back and spreading. It's also rainproof and settles within just 30 minutes.
  • Effective on a Wide Variety of Vegetation: Our herbicide burns an array of weeds, including grass, crabgrass, broadleaf weeds, plantain, annual bluegrass, dandelions, clover, & foxtail.
  • Non-Synthetic, All Natural: No need to worry about using this weed killer sprayer around animals and children. Made with natural ingredients, it smells like cinnamon when applied.
Bestseller No. 10
Natural Armor Weed and Grass Killer All-Natural Concentrated Formula. Contains No Glyphosate (128...
  • CONTAINS NO GLYPHOSATE - Natural, Concentrated Formula STOPS Weeds and Grasses Right in Their Tracks. Weeds and Grass Will Look Like You Took A Torch To Them.
  • EASY TO USE - Friendly for People & Pets. Ready To Use, Just Spray and Go. No Messy Mixing or Diluting.
  • PLACES TO USE - Use Anywhere You Don't Want Weeds and Grass Growing Such As, Around Flower Beds, Shrubs and Trees, Barns, Driveways, Edging, Fence Lines, Foundations, Gravel Areas, Mulch Beds,...
  • FAST ACTING - See Results In Hours and Even Greater Results Shortly Thereafter.


If you are like most homeowners, you probably have a love-hate relationship with mushrooms. They produce beautiful mushrooms, but they also produce those unsightly brown patches in your lawn and yard. We hope this easy guide on how to get rid of mushrooms in yards and lawns will help you solve your problems.

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